When setting up your child custody plan after a divorce or a breakup, the court system will always take into account the child's best interests. Depending on how old the child is, the court system may also consider what your child wants. If your child is insistent that they live with one parent, or that they do not want to live with one of their parents, the judge presiding over your case may take their preferences into consideration.
Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights in South Carolina?
As a third-generation Beaufort Attorney, Fender Law Firm is highly sympathetic to grandparents’ rights, and we cherish family. We understand how painful it can be when you have a special bond with your grandchild, and you’re unable to see each other often, if at all. Contact Fender Law Firm at (843) 379-4888 to discuss your rights as a South Carolina grandparent.
Dos and Don’ts for the Alimony Payor in South Carolina
If you are facing alimony payments as a result of your recent divorce, you likely have many questions about how to handle the proceedings as the alimony payor. You might also want to know how the court determines the amount you’ll be paying and how long you have to support your ex-spouse.
Fathers' Custody Rights in South Carolina
Single fathers have rights when going through divorce and custody battles, but the court can complicate things. Fender Law is dedicated to advocating for fathers in South Carolina's courtrooms.
When to Hire a South Carolina Child Custody Attorney
Getting a divorce is a complicated process. When children are involved, it becomes even messier.
Summertime Strategies for Co-Parents (that can help all year round)
Sharing parenting time can be a challenge even during the more structured school year. Some parents work well together to adapt to scheduling conflict and adjust, while others rely on a strict schedule to keep things running smoothly.
Can I Move to Another State with My Child After My Divorce?
Accordingly, in this article, we are going to discuss the hurdles you may face when trying to move with a child after a divorce. If, after reviewing this article, you have more questions about divorce and child custody issues, we invite you to contact The Fender Law Firm. We are experienced divorce attorneys in Beaufort, South Carolina, and we can help make the challenges of divorce a little easier. Schedule a consultation online or call us at 843.379.4888 today.
What to Do If My Child Refuses Visitation?
Custody and visitation matters can be difficult to navigate. The waters become even murkier when a child refuses to visit the other parent..
What should you do if your child doesn’t want to visit you or the other parent? Can a child be forced to visit a parent? We’ll answer those questions and more below.
Holiday-Related Custody Issues
After you agree to a custody arrangement, the next step is ensuring that the arrangement is properly enforced. This can be more challenging during certain times of the year when schedules are not as routine as during the school year. One time when custody issues might arise is during the winter holidays.
Common Complications in a Divorce Case
Many people believe that the decision to end their marriage will be the most difficult part of the process. However, they have a legal process ahead of them, and many aspects of your situation can complicate matters, resulting in a longer and more stressful – as well as costlier – divorce case than you might imagine.